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29. March 2024:
We have added support for the HC-12 long-range 433 MHz RF module.
A Windows program has been developed for fast and easy configuration, and test transmit/receive and range.
The configuration program and embedded manual
can be downloaded here.

5. March 2024:
We have released the new TT455-RT-238 Hardware version 7,
based on an Arduino Mega with much more functionality
than the popular HW6.x and HW5.x.
See the latest news folder. was moved to these pages.
Since 2003 I have produced more than 17.000 pieces of the TT455-RT-238 Signal Converter and sold into 700+ cities in more than 60 countries. The overall customer satisfaction was outstanding 98%.
Over the last couple of years, I have received requests for a range of products that would need a lot of investigation and development costs: Bluetooth, wifi, Zigbee, Z-wave, support for Philips Hue, Ikea, Google, Alexa, etc. If we were to add everything the product would become quite expensive.
Unfortunately the corona consequences and the worldwide shortage of electronic components and micro-processors, as well as black-market components with bad quality, forced me to put on hold and close servers in order to reduce expenses and temporarily stop the production/selling of our products.
I want to keep supporting the many LinTronic customers by maintaining software for the TT455-RT-238 Signal Converter and the Windows based Configurator program, so I moved all technical support to these pages.
If you want technical support, then please offer a donation and then contact me about your request for support.
Also you might want to join the public facebook discussion group.
Best regards,
LinTronic, Michael Lindgaard
Owner, General Manager
We make your products work together
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